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Showing posts from October, 2023

20 ways to practice emotional self care.

As a social worker who is passionate about mental health, I believe that self-care is an essential part of personal growth, self-discovery, and self-love.  I often come across individuals who are struggling with overwhelming emotions and negative self-talk. That's why I'm here today to talk about emotional self-care and why it is crucial for self-growth, self-discovery, and self-love. Emotional self-care is particularly crucial, as it helps us maintain a positive outlook and cope with life's ups and downs.   Emotional self-care is all about taking care of your emotional well-being. It means acknowledging your emotions, accepting them, and finding healthy ways to cope with them. It's about learning to be kind and gentle with yourself, even during difficult times. So How Can You Practice Emotional Self-Care: Well, there are many ways! You could try journaling to express your thoughts and feelings, taking a relaxing bath, meditating or practicing mindfulness, doing somethi

100 Doodling Journal Prompts to Use in Your Journal - How Using Doodling Prompts in Your Journal can Help Writers Block.

If you’ve read any other Head and Heart Books blog posts you will know that I believe journaling can be an incredibly powerful tool for self-reflection and growth.  Have you ever sat in front of a blank notebook and are lost for words, sometimes the thought of filling another page with words can feel overwhelming.  That's where doodling prompts come in! What are doodling journal prompts: It's a question or statement that is meant to inspire you to draw or sketch something in your journal. For example, a prompt might be "Draw your dream vacation spot" or "Sketch a picture of your favorite childhood memory". These prompts can be anything that inspires you, from a favourite quote to a silly doodle of your pet.  Doodling is an excellent way to keep your mind engaged and your creativity flowing. When you combine doodling with journaling, you have a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-discovery.  Doodling journal prompts can be any statement or questions th

Creating a Gratitude Jar – A Simple Tool for well-being

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and appreciative of the good things in life.  Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a significant impact on your overall happiness and well-being. When you practice gratitude, you focus on the positive aspects of your life and appreciate everything that you have. This can help you feel more content, satisfied, and fulfilled.  When you focus on the good things in your life, you're less likely to dwell on negative thoughts and feelings. Instead, you may experience a greater sense of optimism and hope for the future. Gratitude helps to reduce stress, improve sleep, and increase resilience. One of the best ways to cultivate gratitude is by keeping a gratitude jar.  In this blog post, we will discuss why gratitude is so important and how to make your own gratitude jar. Why is Gratitude Important? Gratitude is important because it helps us to focus on the positive aspects of our lives. It is easy to get caught up in the negative things t