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Showing posts from July, 2023

5 journal prompts to help clear your mind

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life.  With so much going on, it's no wonder that we often find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and anxious. But did you know that journaling can be a powerful tool for clearing your mind and reducing stress?  By taking a few minutes each day to reflect on your thoughts and feelings, you can gain a greater sense of clarity and calm.  There are many ways you can clear your mind, you can talk to a friend or go for a run or take a lovely bath and read a book or even journal. In this blog post we are going to focus on journaling as a tool for reducing stress.   Why is journaling so useful? We all have stress in our lives. Whether it's from work, school, relationships, or just the general chaos of the world, stress is pretty much inevitable. But that doesn't mean we have to let it take over our lives. And that's where journaling comes in. By taking the time to sit down and write o

Why brain dumping a useful journaling technique

Brain dumping is a popular technique used in journaling, where you write down all the thoughts, emotions, and ideas that are currently occupying your mind.  It is a great way to clear your mind of any clutter and free up mental space for more productive or creative thinking.  Essentially, it's a writing exercise where you take a prompt or question and write non-stop for a set amount of time, without worrying about grammar or spelling. The aim is to get your thoughts flowing freely and to uncover any hidden emotions or beliefs that may be holding you back. Trust me, it may sound a little weird at first, but it's actually a super useful technique that I highly recommend trying out. So, let's dive into why brain dumping is so great! First, Set yourself up: Before we get into the specifics of how to use brain dumping as a technique in your journaling, let’s first remind you of how to set yourself up for a positive journaling experience.  Preparing to write in your journal can h

5 books you should read to help reconnect to your authentic self

Are you on a journey of self-discovery? Do you feel like you're living a life that's not true to your authentic self? If so, then you're not alone. Many people struggle to find their true identity and purpose in life.  Being your authentic self means being true to who you are, your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It means embracing your uniqueness, strengths, weaknesses, and values without pretending to be someone else or conforming to societal expectations.  It involves being honest with yourself and others and making choices that align with your beliefs and goals.  Being your authentic self can lead to greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a more fulfilling life. Fortunately, there are many books available that can help you on this journey. In this book suggestion blog post, we'll be showcasing some of the best books we've found that can guide and inspire you to find your true authentic self.  Whether you're looking for practical advice, personal stori

30 Day Journaling Challenge, 30 self discovery prompts to help inspire your journal writing and deeper your relationship with yourself.

Journaling can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. Spending time with yourself and getting to know yourself deeper is a worth while exercise for the future you.   Journaling allows you to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and gain insight into your own inner world.  In this monthly journal challenge, Head and Heart Books invites you to walk a journey of self-discovery and growth through the practice of journaling.  By taking the time to write down your thoughts and feelings, you can improve your mental health, reduce stress, and gain clarity on your goals and values.  Whether you are new to journaling or a seasoned pro, this challenge is a great opportunity to prioritise your self-care and explore the benefits of this powerful practice. You can start this challenge at any point in the month, going at your own pace. You are in total control, if you skip a day, its ok! The more days you complete, the deeper you strengthen the relationship with yo