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Showing posts from January, 2023

3 Books to help your child understand pregnancy loss

Hello lovely, I'm so sorry to hear about your pregnancy loss.  It can be a difficult and emotional experience for you and your whole family.  I understand firsthand how devastating pregnancy loss can be because I have experienced multiple miscarriages. The pain and heartache that comes with losing a pregnancy left me feeling lost and alone, but through my journey, I have gained valuable insight into the grieving process and how to cope with the aftermath.  In this blog post I will share 3 books that will help you explain Pregnancy loss and written through any emotions that come up with your child. Outside of these three books I recommend looking into books that focus on grief and loss to help your child understand what has happened and how to cope with their emotions.  It is important to help your child understand pregnancy loss; understand what happened, explore their feelings around pregnancy loss and what it means for the future.  Su pporting your child in understanding their fe

Using affirmations in motherhood

Using affirmations in motherhood can be a powerful tool to help you stay positive and focused.  As a mother you are bombarded with a million things as soon as you wake up, affirmations can help you slow down and really narrow your thinking.  Affirmations can be used to help you stay motivated and empowered as a mother.  What are affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that you can repeat to yourself throughout the day in order to affirm your beliefs and values.  Examples of affirmations could include:  “I am a capable and loving mother”,  “I can handle whatever comes my way”,  “I am worthy and deserving of love”, and  “I am strong and capable of making the right decisions for my children.”  Taking the time to affirm yourself can be a great way to show yourself love and appreciation. Affirmations are also a great tool to reduce overwhelm. If you have a favourite positive statement, during times of stress you can say it to yourself over and over in a calm and relaxing way to h