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Showing posts from December, 2022

A year of journaling with 52 weeks of self-discovery journal prompts

Journaling can be a great way to explore your own thoughts and feelings.  It allows you to reflect on your experiences and make connections between them. It can also be used to express your creativity and work through difficult emotions.  It can be helpful to start by writing down your thoughts and feelings without judgement, so you can gain insight into what is going on inside. You can also try writing down solutions to problems or things you are grateful for.  If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed, you can also try writing or drawing out your feelings.  Journaling can provide a healthy outlet for your emotions and can give you the clarity and insight you need to move forward. When journaling for self exploration - practice makes perfect. Set aside a time each week to complete the journal prompt. Remember to just let the words flow and not to edit yourself.   Week 1: What are you holding onto that is no longer serving you? Week 2: When was the last time you pushed yourself outside o

Journaling through grief to recovery

Grief is a natural response to loss.  It is an emotional experience that can be both physical and psychological. It can manifest as a range of emotions such as sadness, anger, guilt, loneliness, and confusion.  Grief is a process that can last for days, weeks, months, or even years, and it is unique to each individual. While some people find comfort in talking about their grief, others prefer to find other outlets such as music, art, or exercise to express their feelings. Grief is a normal and necessary part of healing from loss. Journaling can help you through grief Journaling can be a great way to help you process and cope with grief. Writing down your feelings can help you to understand them better, and also help to provide a creative outlet.  Journaling can be a place to express your sadness, confusion, anger, and other emotions that accompany grief. It can also be a place to remember and honor your loved one. By writing out your thoughts and feelings, you can gain a sense of clari

Best way to start journaling for mental health

Journaling can be a great way to improve your mental health and wellbeing.  A good way to start is to set aside some quiet time each day for writing. You can start with a few minutes and gradually increase the amount of time you spend writing as you become more comfortable.  Consider writing about your thoughts and feelings, or jotting down your daily successes and struggles. You may also want to include positive affirmations to remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments. Find a journal that makes you feel inspired and comfortable, and use it as an outlet for your emotions. With a little bit of practice and dedication, you'll be on your way to a healthier and happier mental state. Types of journaling There are many different types of journaling, including: Daily pages: This is simply writing out your thoughts and feelings each day. It's a great way to clear your mind and make sense of your emotions. Health and wellness journaling: This type of journaling is focused

5 Hidden gem books to help you grow self love and self confidence

Self love is incredibly important because it is the foundation of self-care.  When we practice self love, we are taking the time to recognise and honour our own worth, value, and potential.  It allows us to be more mindful of our feelings and needs, and to take care of ourselves in ways that are healthy and beneficial.  Self love can help us to become more resilient to stress and to better manage difficult emotions. It can also help us to build stronger relationships, to be more successful in our endeavors, and to live a life of greater joy and fulfilment. Affiliate Income Disclosure:   Hey there! Just a heads up – some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them. Don't worry, though – it won't cost you a penny extra, and it helps support my blog so I can keep bringing you valuable content. Thank you for your support!   Reading self-help/self-development books can be a great way to develop self lov