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Showing posts from August, 2021

26 books all social workers should read

If you’ve found this article, you are likely to be a passionate social worker or interested in human services.  Having dedicated nearly two decades to the field of social work, I find immense joy in the way books have woven themselves into the fabric of my profession.  The written word has become a guide, offering invaluable insights and shaping the compassionate work I undertake. Whether immersing myself in fictional narratives that showcase diverse human experiences or delving into textbooks that deepen my understanding, books have proven to be powerful allies in my journey.     The social work profession is both important and challenging, and those who are drawn to social work are typically motivated by a desire to help others and enjoy learning about the human experience .   During university studies books are a staple for developing understanding and to increase knowledge. A social worker’s love for learning and curiosity of the human experience continues beyond university.   The 

4 Podcast episodes on burnout in social work

I know firsthand how demanding and draining the job of a social worker can be.  Burnout is a very real and serious issue that can affect anyone in the field. In simple terms, burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. As social workers, we are often exposed to difficult and emotionally charged situations on a daily basis. We are constantly giving of ourselves to help others, often at the expense of our own well-being. Burnout can manifest in a variety of ways, including feelings of hopelessness, cynicism, and detachment from work and personal relationships. It is important to recognise the signs of burnout and take action to prevent it from taking over. This can include self-care practices such as exercise, meditation, and taking breaks when needed. It is also crucial to set healthy boundaries and prioritise your own needs, both at work and in your personal life. Remember, you are only human and it is okay to ask for help