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Showing posts from December, 2020

14 Mental health podcasts

There are so many mental health related podcasts out there, the number alone is anxiety provoking. It can be challenging deciphering which are the helpful ones. This list takes the guessing out of the search.  Why would you want to listen to a mental health podcast? I'm so glad that you're taking the time to learn more about mental health and the benefits of listening to a mental health podcast. As a social worker and mom of three young children, I'm passionate about teaching women how to take care of their mental health and well-being. Here are three ways listening to mental health podcasts are helpful: Listening to a mental health podcast can help you gain a better understanding of the different mental health issues that people face. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, or some other mental health challenge, a mental health podcast can offer insights and tips on how to cope with these issues. You'll also learn about different treatment options and stra

How to use journaling prompts (with examples)

I know how hard it is to find the time to take care of yourself.  However, I'm here to remind you that self-care is essential, especially when it comes to your mental health. One self-care activity that I absolutely love is journaling. Writing out your thoughts and feelings can be incredibly therapeutic, and it's a great way to get to know yourself better. But sometimes, it can be hard to know where to start. That's where journal prompts come in! In this post, I'm going to share some of my favourite journal prompts that I've found helpful in my own self-discovery journey. So grab a cuppa, get comfy, and let's get started! What is journaling exactly It's like keeping a diary, but with a purpose. Journaling is when you take some time out of your day to write down your thoughts, emotions, experiences, and ideas. It's a great way to get to know yourself better, and to keep track of your growth and progress over time. Think of it as a way to have a conversati

Things to remember during the festive season

The festive season is supposed to be a time for celebration but it can so easily be a time full of overwhelm and stress.  At the end of this festive season, it would be nice to feel rejuvenated and rested rather than overwhelmed and tired.  Here is a list of friendly reminders for you this season: Get some space and talk out the tension  The festive season can bring tension and disagreements, it’s ok to give yourself some space. It’s ok to leave a situation to not make it any worse. When everything has cooled down, calmly discuss how you are feeling.  You don’t have to say yes to all invitations  You may be invited to a large number of family functions or friendly gatherings, some near and some far. It is up to you how involved in the festive season you want to be and how many get togethers you attend. It is totally ok to say no and decline an invite if you don’t want to go.  If you find yourself being pushed to go, be honest and explain you need rest and time to prepare for your Chris

Characteristics of a good supervisor

Supervision is a process all workers are likely to be familiar with, no matter what type of job you have you will have some form of supervision.  In the ever changing world of social work, the guidance and support provided by clinical supervisors play a pivotal role in shaping the professional journey of social workers. Clinical supervision isn't just about overseeing casework; it's about nurturing growth, fostering resilience, and empowering practitioners to deliver their best for their clients. Today, we delve into the essential qualities that define a good clinical supervisor and explore how these qualities enrich the practice of social work. Types of supervision  In social work there are two forms of supervision, administrative supervision and clinical supervision.  Administrative supervision focuses on program requirements, meeting contractual expectations and behavioural expectations set by your agency.  Clinical supervision is a formal and planned relationship between a