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Showing posts from September, 2020

Why I became a social worker

My personal story of becoming a social worker This is one story in a collection of stories from social workers to highlight why they chose to work in this field, how they entered the industry and what they enjoy most about the work they do.  Kylie’s story Story 3 Social workers are passionate and dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to help others. These stories provide a glimpse into the lives of Australian social workers. Jodie’s story,  I've been a social worker for 15 years now. Unlike some, I didn't feel a calling to this profession. Back in high school, friends often came to my house when they needed space, but that's about it. Initially, I aimed to become a teacher. When applying for university, teaching was my first choice, followed by nursing and social work.  I found out that somehow SATAC had duplicated my details which left me out when it came to putting my preferences through. They were unable to rectify the issue and told me I was only able to be accept

Why I became a social worker

Guest Writer, Kylie  This is one story in a collection of stories from social workers to highlight why they chose to work in this field, how they entered the industry and what they enjoy most about the work they do.  Jodie’s story Story 3 Social workers are passionate and dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to help others. These stories provide a glimpse into the lives of Australian social workers. Kylie’s story,  I’ve been a social worker for 18 years. I initially left school and obtained a Psychology degree but in the 3rd year it was mostly related to mental health and I decided I wanted to work with vulnerable people in the community. I then completed my Social Work degree at University of South Australia part time as I had credits from Psychology.  I wanted to work with people to help create more opportunity and choice for those in situations where there are limited alternatives. I went straight into child protection as it was easy to get a job. Back then there were great s

Tips for incorporating journaling into your week

In this blog post, I want to talk about journaling.  Journaling isn't just about writing down your daily activities or venting about your problems. It's a powerful tool that can help you gain insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.  Plus, it's a great way to practice self-care and make time for yourself in the midst of a busy week.  I f you are someone who hasn’t journaled before, you may feel that it’s something that will take too much of your time, make you feel too vulnerable or that you wouldn’t know what to write. These are all valid thoughts but I’m here to teach you a few simple tricks to help you incorporate journaling into your week.  What is journaling  Journaling is a term used to describe a process of recording your thoughts or feelings, events that happen in your life or ideas and plans. Benefits of journaling Journaling can be a tool for: Working through emotions:  We all have emotions, and sometimes they can be overwhelming. One of the best ways

Top YouTube videos to learn about journaling

Have you considered starting a journal but you don’t really know: What journaling is? Why you would add journaling into your life? What you would write about? If you answered yes to any or all of these, then this blog post is for you. You will have your questions answered and find out why YouTube is a good place to learn how to start your journey into journaling.  What is Journaling? If you're looking to improve your mental health, self-growth, self-discovery, or self-love, then journaling is a fantastic habit to add to your daily routine. Journaling is essentially the act of writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences on paper. It can be done in a structured or unstructured way, and there are no rules! Some people like to write about their day, while others prefer to focus on their emotions or goals. The beauty of journaling is that it's entirely up to you. Why would you add journaling to your life? There are many benefits to journaling. For one, it can help you proc