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Showing posts from August, 2020

Fearless Growth: Tips for conquering Fear with Journaling and Affirmations

Welcome to a space where we delve into the complex and universal emotion that is fear.  Fear, in its many forms, can be both paralysing and transformative. In this blog we’ll aim to explore the intricacies of fear, understand its diverse manifestations, and provide valuable tips on how to overcome this powerful emotion.  Decoding the Language of Fear Fear is an ancient survival mechanism hardwired into our brains, designed to protect us from potential threats. However, in today's complex world, fear often extends beyond immediate physical danger. It can manifest in various ways, from the subtle unease of uncertainty to the gripping anxiety of the unknown. Breaking it down, fear is a powerful emotion that has a very strong effect on your mind and body. It can take effect when we are faced with things like exams, public speaking, a new job, a date, or even a party. It’s a natural response to a threat (perceived or real). The Personal Landscape of Fear Fear is as unique as the individ